For the Love of Competition
As a professional Athlete in Atlanta, Georgia, it’s a pleasure and an honor to represent the community I call home. While I absolutely love training and competing, I like to think of myself as more than just an athlete. I'm having fun being a kid. Doing great things on and off the track and I enjoy helping others. I’m working hard to be a positive role model by promoting physical activity, fair play, and building a legacy people will remember me for.
I love my family, friends, and fans. My Dad is a disable Veteran who shows and teaches me I can achieve anything through his leadership and dedication at home. My Mom is a super great woman who works hard to shower me with unconditional love and knowledge. With Parents like mine you will "HEAR MY ROAR!"
A message to my Mom
Thank you for life and I will hold myself accountable to be the best me.
"Hear My Roar"
A Message to my Dad
I Love you and I'm proud to be your Cub
"Hear My Roar "
A message to my Family and friends
As a unit the world is ours
"Hear my Roar "
Love King Jah-Kyur AKA king Jah-jah
Lion Strong